of OK ] Untitled[ This is an unregistered copy of QuickScrap. Please take the time to fill out the registration form and mail (email or FAX if using VISA or MasterCard) it to the author to receive your registration code to stop these messages, thank you. Sorry, the file is empty. Had a problem saving to file, data was copied to clipboard. Sorry, not enough room or disk is locked. Sorry, there is no data on the clipboard. Sorry, not enough memory. Sorry, this Scrap File is full. Sorry, the file does not appear to be a Scrap File. Sorry, the file cannot be found. Sorry, the file is already open. This is an unknown type. This item is a sound. This is a QuickTime Movie. Not enough memory to display. Finder MacinTalk MultiFinder System Folder System ScrapIt folder alias ScrapIt Folder Scrapbook File